I had never used Makey Makey before and was excited to experiment with it this week. When I first approached this project I was interested in using fruit as a piano. I made each Scratch sprite into a different note and added them to the pen tool so that when they went to random locations they left a collared trail.
Here is a video of me in experimenting with this with my roommates
I became interested in changing the audio clips to be more connected to the bananas. I was thinking a little bit about Chiquita banana and the wrongdoing that has been exposed by their corporation over the past decades. I ended up using audio from CNBC's 2019 YouTube segment on "Why The Banana Business Of Chiquita And Dole Is At Risk". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkI3zkQ4WBo
Here is a video of the final project:
Here is the code that I attached to my sprites!
Here is a link to my project page: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/664151440/
You can see a description there of how to use it.